Do you have a hard time trusting yourself? Do you hide parts of yourself your feelings, beliefs, and ideas in order to fit in or please others? Do you diminish or discount your feelings because you think they dont really matter?
This is self-abandonment.
We abandon ourselves when we dont value ourselves, when we dont act in our own best interest, and when we dont encourage and comfort ourselves.
Notice how many of these examples of self-abandonment ring true for you.
Self-abandonment begins in childhood. Its likely that your parents or other influential adults didnt meet your emotional and/or physical needs in childhood they abandoned you emotionally or physically — causing you to feel unworthy and unlovable.
As adults, we tend to repeat these types of patterns from childhood because theyre familiar; we repeatedly choose partners and friends who mistreat, take advantage of, or dont support us. And we do the same to ourselves. We dont know how to be there for ourselves because no one was truly there for us as children.
Self-abandonment is a learned behavior, a way you tried to cope with unhealthy or dysfunctional family dynamics. Children depend on adults to meet their emotional and physical needs. But when you live in an unpredictable, chaotic, or abusive family, you learn to hide your true self. You act like a chameleon, morphing into whatever role will keep the peace and help you avoid ridicule, put-downs, physical and emotional pain. You learn to suppress your feelings and needs, that your worth depends on what you accomplish or do (and whatever you do, its never enough), that your needs, interests, goals dont matter, and that you dont deserve love and compassion.
Self-abandonment is a self-destructive pattern that can contribute to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and unfulfilling relationships. Abandoning yourself may have been a necessity during childhood, but it isnt helpful anymore. So, lets look at how you can begin to trust and value yourself.
In her autobiography, fashion designer Diane Von Furstenberg wrote, The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself. You need to be able to rely on yourself. And your relationship with yourself becomes the template for all the other relationships you form.
As such, we need to cultivate a loving relationship with ourselves even if it feels uncomfortable and even if were not entirely sure how to do it. We need to start showing up for ourselves, allowing ourselves to freely express ourselves, and recognizing that were flawed but completely worthy.
You stop abandoning yourself and start creating a loving relationship with yourself when you:
Everyone has feelings and needs. You may not have been allowed to express them as a child (or even in some of your adult relationships), but you can now be a safe haven for your own feelings and needs. If you listen, your feelings will tell you what you need and when you meet your needs, youll be happier and healthier.
To begin, practice identifying your feelings throughout the day. If this is new to you, it can help to use a list of feeling words (such as this one). Then ask yourself, Im feeling ___________. What do I need right now?
The objective is to stay present with your difficult feelings, rather than to abandon yourself when you feel overwhelmed. Meditation is another tool that can help you cultivate acceptance of and tolerance for your feelings. Many people enjoy meditation apps such as Calm, Headspace, and Insight Timer.
Try not to hide parts of yourself out of fear of disapproval or judgment. Not everyone is going to like you and thats okay. Dont shrink or change to please others. Express who you are through your work, creative pursuits, your hairstyle and clothes, your hobbies, interests, and passion projects. If you feel out of touch with your true self, commit some time to rediscover what you like and what matters to you.
Everyone deserves care and comfort when they are suffering. Often, were great a doing this for others, but we minimize our own struggles and fail to love ourselves when we need it the most.
On her website, self-compassion researcher Kristen Neff, Ph.D. suggests, Instead of mercilessly judging and criticizing yourself for various inadequacies or shortcomings, self-compassion means you are kind and understanding when confronted with personal failings after all, whoever said you were supposed to be perfect?
Most of us werent taught about the importance of self-compassion as children, so we need to teach ourselves these skills as adults. And if your parents didnt show you compassion, this may feel quite foreign. It will get easier and more comfortable with practice.
The basic tenants of self-compassion are:
You might also think about what concrete actions you can take to comfort yourself. Ive written several articles with ideas for practicing self-compassion that you can find here and here.
Another important aspect of self-love and trust is advocating for yourself. I know it can be scary to assert yourself and set boundaries. Most of us are afraid of offending or angering people and afraid that well be abandoned if we do. But the alternative — letting others walk all over you — is self-abandonment. Its saying, Other peoples needs and wants matter more than mine. And I will accept disrespect, invalidation, and blame because I dont think Im worthy of anything better. Clearly, this isnt the foundation of a healthy relationship with anyone. To learn more about setting boundaries, you can read this blog post.
How will you start to show up for yourself? Will you listen to what your body and feelings are telling you? Will you prioritize self-care? Will you do what feels right for you even if others disapprove? Will you comfort yourself when youre having a hard time? Will you set boundaries without feeling guilty? It doesnt matter where you begin, just take one small step today to value yourself.
2018 Sharon Martin, LCSW. All rights reserved. Photo bySam HeadlandonUnsplash.