Any way to adjust Java Security settings in Mojave?

I need to run a jnlp file for work and it seems as of Mojave, it is now blocked by Java Security. Apparently in the old days one could just use the applet in System Preferences to lower the security settings, but that is now a thing of the past.

The internet seems pretty reticent on the matter besides solutions for earlier versions of macOS/OS X.

Surely there must be a Terminal command or something?

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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Subscriptor Right click, then choose open.

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Ars Praefectus
Right click, then choose open.

I had been right-clicking and choosing open with Java Web Start. (Since double-clicking was a non-starter)

When just right-clicking and choosing open, it does the same thing, which gets me the message:

"Application blocked by Java Security

For security, applications must now meet the requirements for the High or Very High security settings, or be part of the Exception Site List, to be allowed to run."

It points me here, but it seems a bit outdated.

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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius

I believe you have to add the source URL for the webstart source to the Java URL exception list in the Java control panel. At least, that's what I recall having to do for others in a similar situation (unsigned/expired cert).


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Ars Legatus Legionis

If you open the jnlp in a text editor you can get a link to the jar. Download and run that from the command line. Though you may need to add some command line options.

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Ars Praefectus

I believe you have to add the source URL for the webstart source to the Java URL exception list in the Java control panel. At least, that's what I recall having to do for others in a similar situation (unsigned/expired cert).

Unfortunately the Java control panel doesn't exist any more. I wonder if there's a way to do the same thing without the UI?

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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius

It should absolutely still exist. I'm launching it right now from System Preferences and I'm on the latest JVM on my MBP in mojave.

The control panel's right there in that folder. Double click it and it should run and get you there.

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Ars Praefectus

It should absolutely still exist. I'm launching it right now from System Preferences and I'm on the latest JVM on my MBP in mojave.

The control panel's right there in that folder. Double click it and it should run and get you there.

Wow, thanks! It wasn't in System Preferences any more, so I had assumed it was a complete goner in Mojave.

I've now added the URL to the site exceptions list, but I'm still getting the same security dialog. That said, I'm now questioning if this control panel takes any effect because to test this theory, I enabled the system tray icon, but it didn't appear after applying changes.