Program Evaluation Resources

This page provides a repository of Program Evaluation tools and resources from outside of EPA. These tools can be used to conduct evaluations and come from a variety of sources, including other federal agencies and evaluation organizations.

Federal Evaluation

All federal agencies are expected to use performance information to strengthen programs. The federal government has therefore pushed for a greater emphasis on evaluations to prove what is working and what is not. Program evaluations can help EPA meet these expectations and comply with federal policies such as those outlined by the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRA), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Evaluation Guides and Tools

These evaluation guides and tools are from other federal Agencies. They discuss principles and provide instructions for conducting program evaluations or creating performance measures.

Professional Organizations

The following links exit the EPA site to external partners, professional organizations, and associations.