Christ In The Old Testament

The entire Bible points to one person: Jesus Christ. In this series of messages, Pastor Wiersbe selects seven Old Testament stories in which we can see Jesus. He is our Bread of Life, the Living Water, and our refuge in times of trouble. But most importantly, Jesus is the key to salvation.


It's Unbelievable

Believe the unbelievable.

Saved By A Serpent

There is only one road to salvation: look and believe.

Saved By A Rock

The greatest thirst of all is not for water but for the reality found in God.

Do You Need A Place To Hide?

Jesus is a Christian’s city of refuge.

A Miracle Every Morning

Jesus Christ is the bread that satisfies our hunger.

A Captain Courageous

Jesus is our Joshua.

The Statue Of Liberty

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness do not come for free.

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