Look up Trade Agreements Act-designated countries

FAR Subpart 25.4 outlines the policies and procedures applicable to TAA-compliant acquisitions. Use this table to look up which countries are compliant with TAA.

If your products, services, or both are not from the U.S. or are from countries that are not TAA-compliant, we cannot offer or sell them.

Filter table", "searchPlaceholder": "Filter table">" data-order-multi="true" data-responsive="true" style="width:100%;" summary="TAA-compliant acquisitions">
Country TAA-compliant
Afghanistan Yes
Albania No
Algeria No
Andorra No
Angola Yes
Antigua and Barbuda Yes
Argentina No
Armenia Yes
Aruba Yes
Australia Yes
Austria Yes
Azerbaijan No
Bahamas, or The Bahamas Yes
Bahrain Yes
Bangladesh Yes
Barbados Yes
Belarus No
Belgium Yes
Belize Yes
Benin Yes
Bhutan Yes
Bolivia No
Bonaire Yes
Bosnia and Herzegovina No
Botswana No
Brazil No
British Virgin Islands Yes
Brunei No
Bulgaria Yes
Burkina Faso Yes
Burma No
Burundi Yes
Cabo Verde No
Cambodia Yes
Cameroon No
Canada Yes
Central African Republic Yes
Chad Yes
Chile Yes
China No
Colombia Yes
Comoros Yes
Cook Islands No
Costa Rica Yes
Côte d’Ivoire No
Croatia Yes
Cuba No
Curacao Yes
Cyprus Yes
Czechia, or Czech Republic Yes
Democratic Republic of the Congo Yes
Denmark Yes
Djibouti Yes
Dominica Yes
Dominican Republic Yes
Ecuador No
Egypt No
El Salvador Yes
Equatorial Guinea Yes
Eritrea Yes
Estonia Yes
Eswatini No
Ethiopia Yes
Fiji No
Finland Yes
France Yes
Gabon No
Gambia, or The Gambia Yes
Georgia No
Germany Yes
Ghana No
Greece Yes
Grenada Yes
Guatemala Yes
Guinea Yes
Guinea-Bissau Yes
Guyana Yes
Haiti Yes
Holy See No
Honduras Yes
Hong Kong Yes
Hungary Yes
Iceland Yes
India No
Indonesia No
Iran No
Iraq No
Ireland Yes
Israel Yes
Italy Yes
Jamaica Yes
Japan Yes
Jordan No
Kazakhstan No
Kenya No
Kiribati Yes
Kosovo No
Kuwait No
Kyrgyzstan No
Laos Yes
Latvia Yes
Lebanon No
Lesotho Yes
Liberia Yes
Libya No
Liechtenstein Yes
Lithuania Yes
Luxembourg Yes
Madagascar Yes
Malawi Yes
Malaysia No
Maldives No
Mali Yes
Malta Yes
Marshall Islands No
Mauritania Yes
Mauritius No
Mexico Yes
Micronesia No
Moldova Yes
Monaco No
Mongolia No
Montenegro Yes
Montserrat Yes
Morocco Yes
Mozambique Yes
Namibia No
Nauru No
Nepal Yes
Netherlands Yes
New Zealand Yes
Nicaragua Yes
Niger Yes
Nigeria No
Niue No
North Korea No
North Macedonia Yes
Norway Yes
Oman Yes
Pakistan No
Palau No
Palestinian Territories No
Panama Yes
Papua New Guinea No
Paraguay No
Peru Yes
Philippines No
Poland Yes
Portugal Yes
Qatar No
Republic of the Congo No
Romania Yes
Russia No
Rwanda Yes
Saba Yes
Saint Kitts and Nevis Yes
Saint Lucia Yes
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Yes
Samoa Yes
San Marino No
Sao Tome and Principe Yes
Saudi Arabia No
Senegal Yes
Serbia No
Seychelles No
Sierra Leone Yes
Singapore Yes
Sint Eustatius Yes
Sint Maarten Yes
Slovakia Yes
Slovenia Yes
Solomon Islands Yes
Somalia Yes
South Africa No
South Korea, or Republic of Korea Yes
South Sudan Yes
Spain Yes
Sri Lanka No
Sudan No
Suriname No
Sweden Yes
Switzerland Yes
Syria No
Taiwan Yes
Tajikistan No
Tanzania Yes
Thailand No
Timor-Leste Yes
Togo Yes
Tonga No
Trinidad and Tobago Yes
Tunisia No
Turkey (Türkiye) No
Turkmenistan No
Tuvalu Yes
Uganda Yes
Ukraine Yes
United Arab Emirates No
United Kingdom Yes
Uruguay No
Uzbekistan No
Vanuatu Yes
Venezuela No
Vietnam No
Yemen Yes
Zambia Yes
Zimbabwe No

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Last updated: Aug 26, 2024


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Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include"all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.